Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Are You What You Eat?

There is a popular phrase; "You are what you eat". There is very strong scientific evidence that would suggest this statement to be true!

What do you eat? And how does it impact on your health and well-being?

Everyone would appear to be very well informed these days about their diet, with so much education coming from Government sources, lifestyle magazines, and TV  programmes. You'd think that we would all be walking around without an ounce of excess fat, and boundless amounts of energy, given all this freely available diet and lifestyle advice.

Yet just last week, there were more shocking statistics released that 11 million people in the UK will be obese by 2030. So why is this the case? Certainly lifestyle choices play a big part - being inactive and eating too many foods that contain fat and sugar (particularly convenience foods) would appear to be the main culprits.

Are there other factors governing weight gain though? Clinicguru found some interesting information on 

At Waters Edge Clinic we are fans of Patrick Holford, who has developed the Advanced Nutrition Programme. Patrick is a well-respected nutritionist, and has used his 30 year's experience in this field to develop a range of supplements that enhance general health, and specific products such as Metabolic Support, which is prescribed for people on weight loss programmes. Worth a visit!

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